Zig Zag

216th Element


Created 2015

Material bronze

Size 28x26x3 cm

Edition 1/1 green-gold, edition 1/1 red-gold

@ Paolo Grassi


CHF. 1'600.-

"Zig Zag" is composed of the numbers from 5'368 to 5'379 as clearly readable in this particular work unlike many other works always belonging to the Project From "0" to infinity where the numbers although always in strict sequence and not repeatable are not as identifiable. 


Only two specimens were made in green-gold and red-gold patina.





"Zig Zag" è composto dai numeri dal 5'368 al 5'379 come chiaramente sono leggibili in questa particolare opera a differenza di molte altre opere sempre appartenente al Progetto From "0" to infinity dove i numeri sebbene sempre in stretta sequenza e non ripetibili non sono altrettanto identificabili. 


Ne sono stati realizzati solamente due esemplari nelle patini verde-oro e rosso-oro.

Paolo Grassi is a swissartist who makes art by numbers with his infinite story titled From "0" to infinity.


Visit his shop art online and you will find bronze art like this, iron art, aluminum art, plexiglass art and pictures art.


Give yourself a gift art, a commissioned works made expressly for you.